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Easily build your own Mobile Fine Art Experiences with The Fine Art Ledger™

Our previous posts highlighted how you can add content to your works of fine art through your Fine Art Ledger member's account.

From videos, images, to links to websites about the artist or your fine art, to documents: all allowing you to aggregate your fine art info forming one, easily accessible story about your art, cataloged neatly with your fine art in the 'My Works' page of your FAL member's account.

The Fine Art Ledger Mobile Fine Art Experience Zanele Muholi
FAL: Easily Create Mobile Fine Art Experiences for your Fine Art

Opening a FAL member's account, registering your fine art, adding content, and building your fine art's story on The Fine Art Ledger (FAL) is totally free. Simply start here.

Now we are super stoked to demonstrate how you or your patrons can access this content the fine art's story, simply by scanning the work of fine art with your mobile phone.

When you scan, the artwork's authenticated certificate of authenticity, together with the content you have added to the artwork in your FAL member's account is aggregated in a FAL Mobile Fine Art Experience and served directly to your mobile phone.

See the video below of a Fine Art Mobile Experience featuring South African photographer, Pieter Hugo's work Tem Vleksi, Cape Town 2003.

All your fine art info is stored electronically and neatly with your work of fine art. The physical work of art becomes your electronic vault for your fine art information. No need, anymore, to access an app, spreadsheet or inventory list to get your art info, and no need to match inventory records with inventory: the records are always accessible instantly with the physical art.

Need to track down that original paper certificate of authenticity or invoice you received from the art gallery when you bought the work? How about storing your fine art insurance documents or policy? No problem, simply add it to the artwork to be stored, and instantly available with the artwork.

So while this works awesomely for art collectors, it also works incredibly well for artists, art galleries, at fairs; even hotels and restaurants. In fact anyone looking to promote or show their art.

Why? Because it lets anyone with a mobile phone interact with, and get the story behind the art. What better way to intro your the work of art to someone, to get the conversation going and help close a sale then to empower your patrons with information and immerse them in the experience behind the art, the artist's story, the reason and motivation for why the art was made.

Get anyone engaged, to feel part of the story, empowered and enthused, and the rewards, and depth of collecting art become real.

And it also means the end of paper price lists and vinyl labels. Why bother with that when all the info is instantly available on your and your patrons' mobile phones

A work by Zanele Muholi, Zamile Kwa Thema, 2016, is featured in the next example of a FAL Mobile Fine Art Experience, below.

In your FAL member's account, you can set permissions for which content is displayed in the Mobile Fine Art Experience, and whether or not to keep the Blockchain authenticated certificate of authenticity, showing title in the artwork, confidential. You can even set it up for you to allow for direct purchases or bids through the Mobile Fine Art Experience. The sky is the limit!

Mobile Fine Art Experiences for each of your works of fine art are really easy to set up. All you need to do is register the work, and once FAL approves it, and catalogs it in the 'My Works' page of your FAL member's account, click no the cataloged artwork and add your content in the 'My Works' detail page for that artwork. Its that simple.

We also offer custom Mobile Fine Art Experiences, where we help you with the design and set up of the Mobile Fine Art Experience, to help you add the bespoke features you need.

Then buy a FAL NFC tag, tap the tag when you receive it and, on your mobile phone, click the button to electronically attach the tag to the artwork.

Just like that you are up and running, and a further tap of the tag (now affixed to, inside or next to the artwork's frame) serves the Mobile Fine Art Experience for that work of fine art directly to your mobile phone, ready for you to enjoy as a collector in your home, or to display to your patrons as artist, gallery ,art fair, hotel or restaurant.

With FAL, building your Mobile its that simple...just get going by registering your fine art now: its free and takes only but a few minutes.

Now.... watch this space as we move to image recognition generated Mobile Fine Art Experiences.

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